
Archive for June 18th, 2012

You know facebook right? That social network who a lot of people use to “connect with people”? Although I know it might be old news in some parts of the world, it’s still hard and loud here in Mexico.

I don’t like it that much, yes I use it and yes I check it almost every day, but I stick strictly to my profile and my fiance’s (I love that word fiance). So I rarely check “Home” and only go to someone else’s profile when I have something to do there, cause being honest facebook annoys me a bit… the drama, oh the drama that happens there keeps me from clicking the “Home” button.

When we got engaged I started thinking about facebook. You know how you change your status from Single to In a relationship to Engaged to Married? Mr. Toadstool and I have been “in a relationship” ever since he created his account many moons ago.

I felt a bit reluctant to the status change cause my facebook is packed with people who use it either as a joke or a way to tell you if they’re fighting with their couple. The way some people say they’re married to their best friend or their roommate can be funny, but it’s annoying when some couples fight and immediately change their status to single to let everyone know there’s trouble in paradise, and change back into a relationship as soon as they made up (I know, annoying is spelled all over it).

Image via Some ecards

Other point against the facebook status was the publicity. We’re not inviting a lot of people to our wedding, we have big families and our wedding will be 80% family, meaning only tightly close friends will be invited. This leads to the awkward scenario when people who know you as a couple and know about your wedding, think they’re getting an invitation.

At the end the decision came in a rush. We’re not the kind of people who publish every little secret on facebook but I wanted to tell everyone, that shallow, proud, show-off little person inside of me really wanted to stand on the top of a tall building and yell “I’m engaged, I’m engaged!”. So I just did it, I putted up, and that was the last wedding related thing that reached facebook. I’m in peace with myself now.

Dis you change your relationship status? Did you do it right away?

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