
Archive for October 16th, 2012

Contrary to what everyone told me*, last week I called one of the register offices in town. I found the number online and called in the morning; a surprisingly nice lady attended and answered all my questions and, to my surprise, passed me with the judge.

So, I got to chat with the judge a bit. She’s in charge of the 1st register office in town (meaning , is the most important one) so she’s aware of everything. When I voiced my concerns of getting someone who just gets there to do the paper work, she assured me that although others might do that, she likes to make a nice heartfelt, special ceremony, in her words “the ones who do that are men, we women like to do something with feelings involved”.

I promptly booked our date, so, we can actually say we already have someone to officiate our wedding,! and moreover, we have someone who’s going to officiate the kind of ceremony we want!

Part of me feels like writing something for her, part of me feels like trusting her completely, I still have that to ponder, but right now I’m rejoicing on the bliss of closing that matter. We still need to go there to do the paper work and pay for it, but we can do that up to two weeks before the big day.

Booking the person who’s going to marry us: Check!

*Everyone told me the register office wasn’t going to answer my questions by phone, good thing I’m stubborn.

How far in advance did you book your officiant? Did you write your own ceremony?

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